Using Vanilla Javascript I built this Weather app attaining skills
using Bootstrap, APIs, Git Version control, and hosting. I also
refined my HTML, CSS and Javascript knowledge. The app provides a
worldwide weather forecaster allowing users to search for any city
in the world and see the current real-time weather and a 5-day
forecast. This was my first project integrating an API and I chose
the OpenWeatherMap API for its functionality, which allowed me to
provide extra information such as weather description, wind speed,
and humidity. I also added a current weather feature using the
geolocation tools supported in the browser to display the weather
for where the user is. Developing the 5-day forecast was the most
challenging part of this project as it required a different API call
using coordinates and then concatenating the response in the
innerhtml for each of the day's forecast. I chose to display the
temperature only in celsius as I thought this provided a more
streamlined design and was applicable for most of the world.